Lome, 3-4 October 2023 – Although Togo acceded to APRM on 29 June 2008, up to date, the APRM process faced many challenges and as a result, progress was minimal. During 2022 and 2023, the APRM Continental Secretariat undertook virtual consultations with its national structures. As a result of these fruitful engagements, Togo has recently expressed interest in undertaking a Targeted review on Urban Resilience during the last Quarter of 2023. Under the leadership of the Lead APR Panel member, Dr Abdel Rhamane Haggar ALI, APRM undertook a mission to Lomé from 3 to 4 October 2023 in preparation for a Targeted Review.
The APRM delegation was led by Dr Ali Adel Rhamane Haggar ALI, Lead APR Panel Member for Togo, who was accompanied by Dr. Rachel Mukamunana, representing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the APRM, Prof. Eddy Maloka, and Dr Valery Yao, Country Coordinator of Togo.
The APRM delegation was received in audience by HE Prof. Robert Dussey, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad of Togo. The Minister acknowledged that minimal progress has been achieved by Togo since its accession to APRM in 2008. Nevertheless, he reassured the delegation of the renewed commitment of HE Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé and the Government of Togo to the Mechanism. Hence, the approval of a Targeted review mission on Urban resilience: disasters, risks and mitigation measures.
The APRM delegation also paid a Courtesy Call on the Chairperson of the National Governing Council (NGC), Mr. Victor Womitso. After welcoming the delegation, the Chairperson briefly shared his achievements since the assumption of duty in October 2022. These include a broad-based sensitisation of local governments, the establishment of the annual workplan, the appointment of members of the NGC as well as a Strategic Plan. These achievements were mainly driven by consistent support from the Focal Point. He also expressed his gratitude to the APRM Continental Secretariat for opportunities for capacity building through his participation in various meetings such as the Workshop on the revitalisation of APRM dormant countries held in Seychelles and the Workshop on State resilience recently held in Burundi.
On 4 October 2023, a broad-based sensitisation ahead of the Targeted review mission, which was held at Hotel 2 Fevrier, gathered experts on disaster risk reduction (DRR) from different ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). Representing the Minister of Foreign Affairs, HE Afo Ousmane Salifou, Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs warmly welcomed participants. According to the Secretary-General, the frequency and magnitude of disasters pose serious threats to African countries. The Targeted review presents opportunities to independently assess the effectiveness of the existing local mechanisms put in place to prevent and manage risks and disasters. The data will also form the sound basis for informed decisions.
The Lead Panel member for Togo, Dr Abdel Rhamane Haggar ALI and Dr. Rachel Mukamunana, expressed the availability of the Panel and the Continental Secretariat to support the review process. Four presentations, namely an overview of APRM, the Terms of Reference of the Targeted Review, the roadmap, as well as the responsibilities of the Republic of Togo, were made by Dr Rachel and Dr. Valery Yao on behalf of the Continental Secretariat.
The main outcomes of the sensitisation meeting are (i) the confirmation of ‘Uban resilience: disasters, risks and mitigation measures as the theme of the forthcoming Targeted Review; (ii) the approval of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the Targeted Review and the roadmap; and (iii) the commitment of all key state and non-state stakeholders for the success of the planned mission.
For inquiries please contact:
Dr. Rachel Mukamunana - Ag. Director of Country Reviews and Assessments
Dr. Valery Yao Yao - Research Assistant - valery.yaoyao@aprm-au.org