APRM-Sierra Leone Side Event on the Margins of the HLPF 2024


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APRM -Sierra Leone Side Event on the Margins of the HLPF 2024

“Africa’s Path to the Summit of the Future:

Good Governance and Aeaceful Africa to Accelerate the Implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2063:”

DateTuesday 16 July 2024 | TIME: 1.45 - 3.00 pm NY time

AU-Permanent mission to the United Nations

With a special focus on 13 (climate action), 16 (governance)& 17 (partnerships)



The African Union Agenda 2063 is Africa’s blueprint for a peaceful, advanced, and integrated continent. Economic integration and civil service reforms are imperative for the continent resilience, especially in the face of shocks and disasters. The current assessment of the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan (FTYIP) 2013-2023. The first and second continental reports on implementation of AU 2063 reveals a poor score for good governance, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law – related to Aspiration 3 with an aggregate score of 19% and 42% respectively. This was mainly because of high levels of corruption in delivering public services, weak mechanisms, and institutions of holding leaders accountable, and low freedom of the press. Same conclusion has been also emphasised with the continental progress towards SDG 16 “effective, strong and efficient institutions and inclusive societies” as per the latest reports.

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a self-monitoring governance mechanism voluntarily acceded to by Member States with the aim to foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that will lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development, and regional integration. In alignment with the African Union reforms, the APRM has been designated to equally support African countries in monitoring of implementing the African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as enhanced national governance reporting at national level amongst african countries. The APRM has been also designated to function as “early warning mechanism” for conflict prevention on the continent.

Connecting to this, the APRM has been supporting african countries to enhance reporting on SDG 16- efficient, powerful institutions and peaceful societies which meets Aspiration three of Agenda 2063- An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy, Respect for Human Rights, Justice, and the Rule of Law. In 2023, the APRM in partnership with UNECA joined forces to develop the Biennial Report - Governance Mechanisms for the Implementation of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 . The report sheds lights on current progress towards SDG 16 in Africa in tandem with Aspiration three of Agenda 2063. Further, it assesses the existing governance enablers (institutional mechanisms, legislative tools, partnerships, role of youth, media, and NGOs in executing global and continental agendas with a special focus on SDG 16. The report equally displays efforts made by AU member states to develop innovative initiatives to address SDG 16 and its interlinkages i.e. anti-corruption policies, social justice, and protection programs as well as inclusion of women and gender-equality in national policies.

As the African union has recently endorsed the second -ten-year implementation plan of Agenda 2063 (STYIP), it’s imperative to emphasise the centrality of good governance, education, digitalisation, and partnerships as key enablers for the implementation of this plan. By 2034, the AU anticipates African countries to continue improving democratic practice, accountability, and integrity of civil service alongside embarrassing digitalisation for an agile service delivery.

Connecting to this, the summit of the future which is anticipated to take place from 23-24 September 2024 will be tacking critical global issues including the UN Security council reforms, governance and future of digital transformation alongside socio-economic development concerns. The Summit offers a great opportunity for African countries to emphasis Africa’s common position towards global challenges and how it exacerbated the continent’s developmental path.

The proposed side event seeks to i) provide a peer-learning platform amongst experts, CSOs and national representatives of African countries, especially those reporting on SDGs this year; ii) to share experiences and innovative initiatives to accelerate implementation of SDG 16 and its linked goals i.e. SDG 1 poverty , SDG 13 climate change and SDG 17 (partnerships); iii) takes stoke of current progress towards the referred goals in some african countries including (Algeria, Sierra Leone, Mauritius, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa). This side event supports monitoring SDG 16 periodically for analysis of outcomes to further inform improvements in the attainment of targets through evidence. Moreover, it enriches a multi-stakeholder approach with different partners to present their new initiatives which feed into executing the same goals.

Guiding questions:

How do you assess your country’s experience in implementing SDG 13 &16 according to the 2024 VNR? And to what extent can public institutions contribute to accelerate the referred goals?

In light of the Summit of the future, which key priorities can be identified by your country to promote African capacities to achieve SDGs and Agenda 2063?

How shall development partners and agencies enhance coordination and harmonization efforts to assist African countries in pursuing agenda 2063 and SDGs and what are the main challenges?

As a continental mechanism dedicated for good governance promotion, how APRM can improve intervention in AU member states to better assist in pursuing some SDGs& Agenda 2063?

Organisers, partners, panellists

  • Organisers: Republic of Sierra Leone, APRM Continental Secretariat, UNECA
  • Strategic partners: CSOs including Afro barometerGood Governance Africa (GGA) and Africa Major group
  • Targeted participants: experts in national planning, and specifically ministries / departments of good governance alongside other key actors including but not limited to national SDGs focal points, SDG 16 experts, RECs representatives, APRM strategic partners including UN agencies and specialised organs.


Panellists: (5-8 minutes each)

Opening Remarks: H.E Marie-Antoinette Rose Quatre, CEO, APRM continental Secretariat 

  • H.E Ambassador Fatima Kyari Mohammed, Permanent Observer of the African Union
  • H.E Amara Kallon, Minister of Public Administration and Political Affairs, Sierra Leone 
  • H.E Neville Gertze, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Namibia to the UN 
  • H.E Cristina Duarte, Office of Special Advisor for Africa, United Nations
  • Hameed Nuru, Director, WFP Africa Union Global Office and Representative to the AU and UNECA
  • H.E Amar Bendjama, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations 
  • Dr. Honourable RENGANADEN PADAYACHY Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Mauritius 
  • Amb. Ashraf Swelam, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and APRM Focal Point, Egypt 
  • H.E Ambassador Amb. Lineekela J. Mboti, CEO & Focal Point APRM National Secretariat, Namibia 
  • Closing remarks:  Mr. Nelson Muffuh, UN Resident Coordinator in South Africa 

Contact persons:

Ms. Sara Hamouda – Continental Governance program, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate APRM continental Secretariate sara.hamouda@aprm-au.org

Ms. Bernadette Yiga, Research Assistant, APRM continental Secretariat, Bernadette.Yiga@aprm-au.org.


Click here to Register: Registration Form - APRM-Sierra Leone Side Event on the Margins of the HLPF 2024


Download PDF: Concept Note


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