Socio-Economic Governance

Poverty can be most effectively tackled through the promotion of democracy, good governance, peace and security as well as the development of human and physical resources.
Key socio-economic thrusts such as promoting gender equality, allocation of appropriate funds to the social sector, as well as promoting new partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society, are also essential in this area.
There are six key objectives pursued: Promote self-reliance in development and build capacity for self-sustaining development.
Accelerate socio-economic development to achieve sustainable development and poverty eradication.
Strengthen policies, delivery mechanisms and outputs in key social development areas (including education for all, combating of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases).
Ensure affordable access to water, energy, finance markets (including micro-finance), ICT to all citizens, especially the rural poor Progress towards gender equality, particularly equal access to education for girls at all levels.
Encourage broad based participation in development by all stakeholders at all levels