HLPF 2023


HLPF 2023

APRM Engagement at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF 2023)

In addition to promoting peer-learning and governance assessment amongst African countries, the African Peer Review Mechanism has been designated by the African Union to support AU member states in monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under its revitalisation process. Guided by the AU Decision on the Revitalisation of the APRM (Assembly/AU/Dec. 631(XXVIII) by the AU Heads of State and Government during the 28th Ordinary Session that held from 30 to 31 January 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Heads of States and Government emphasized the prominence of the APRM as a continental governance tracking mechanism and requested that necessary steps be taken to expand the APRM mandate by repositioning it to play a monitoring and evaluation role for the African Union Agenda 2063 and the United Nations Agenda 2030.

The APRM established a continental program to strengthen national capacities of AU member states monitoring and evaluation of SDGs alongside raising awareness on Agenda 2063 and significance of reporting on both agendas in tandem. This continental program includes 1) Continental VNRs and Agenda 2063 capacity building workshops; 2) knowledge products; and 3) Support AU countries through knowledge-sharing sessions and events in different continental and global forums, i.e., Africa Regional Forum for sustainable Development–led by UNECA and the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) annually in July at the United Nations.

The HLPF is the international mechanism to track the implementation of Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) as countries are encouraged to submit Voluntary National Report (VNR) on progress towards certain SDGs every year. The APRM sustained its engagement in the HLPF since 2019 to support member states during the VNRs presentations and take part in different activities with strategic partners on the margins of the forum.

Since 2019, the APRM organised five continental workshops in Addis Ababa, Kigali - Rwanda, Djibouti, Abuja - Nigeria, and Durban - South Africa on VNRs in Africa and domestication of Agenda 2063. Over 300 experts benefited from these workshops. This continental platform allows national experts to share best practices on planning, monitoring, and evaluation of both Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want and raise awareness and application of Monitoring and evaluation tools and frameworks to assess both agendas. Further, it also assists countries in preparing the VNRs and ensure adequate reporting on the reviewed goals at the HLPF on an annual basis.

The APRM engagement in the 2023 HLPF includes the following activities:

Friday: 14 July Time, venue and other details

APRM-UNECA VNR Lab (8) Bridging Gaps and Forging Partnerships to Enhance Reporting on SDGs in Africa (SDGs 6: water & SDG7: energy and SDG 17: partnerships)

When: 2-3 PM

Where : Conference Room 11 – UN HQs

Co-organisers: APRM, UN ECA and OSAA

Further info: 2023 VNR Lab 8 Concept Note.pdf (un.org).

Please register for physical participation Webinar Registration - Zoom (physical)


Final Outcomes Report: VNR Labs HLPF 2023


Concept Note (English): VNR Labs HLPF 2023


Concept Note (French): VNR Labs HLPF 2023


Watch & Download Video: APRM-UNECA VNR Lab (8) Bridging Gaps and Forging Partnerships to Enhance Reporting on SDGs in Africa

Uganda side event : leaving No one behind principle

When : 14 July , 10.00 am -1.00 pm

Where : Uganda Permanent Mission of Uganda to the UN (physical)

 Tuesday 18 July

VNR Lab 12 Principles of effective governance in VNRs: Enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development

Co-organiser: APRM , UN DESA, OECD

When : 8-9 AM (ETS time)

Where : Conference room 11- UN HQs

For further info: HLPF 2023_Policy coherence_VNR lab_030723_1.pdf (un.org)

APRM-HLPF high-level side event: regional aspect of voluntary national reporting on Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063  : sharing experience from Europe &Africa

When: 1.15-2.45 PM

Where : AU mission to the UN, physical

Organisers: APRM, German development council, Permanent mission of Sierra Leone to the UN

For further info : coming soon

Registration :


Wednesday 19 July

OECD side event on policy coherence for sustainable development

When : 8:00-9:30

Where Conference Room A, UN Headquarters, New York

Further info: https://www.oecd.org/governance/pcsd/toolkit/guidance/high-levelpoliticalforumsideevent-buildingpolicycoherencesolutionsforacceleratingprogressonthesdgs.htm.


Thursday 20 July 2023

APRM 20th anniversary "APRM Anniversary: Moving ahead with achievements, challenges and lessons learnt for the Africa We want.”

When: 1.15 pm- 3.00 pm

Where : AU mission to the UN

Further info: coming soon



Meeting Documents:

Download PDF: Concept Note - Transformative Potential of Continental Voluntary Reviews

Download PDF: Agenda - Transformative Potential of Continental Voluntary Reviews