The APR Forum is a Committee of Participating Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the African Union who have voluntarily chosen to accede to the APRM. This authority is the highest decision-making body in the APRM. Therefore, the APR Forum has ultimate responsibility for oversight of the APRM organization and processes, for mutual learning and capacity building, and for exercising the constructive peer dialogue and persuasion required to make the APRM effective, credible and acceptable.

The Mandate of the APR Forum

  • Appoint the APR Panel and its Chairperson
  • Consider, adopt and take ownership of country review reports submitted by the APR Panel
  • Communicate the recommendations of the APR Forum to the Head of State or Government of the reviewed country immediately after the review meeting
  • Exercise constructive peer dialogue and persuasion (through offering assistance or applying appropriate measures) to effect changes in country practice where recommended
  • Persuade development partners to support the recommendations approved by the APR Forum by providing technical and financial assistance
  • Transmit APRM Reports to the appropriate African Union (AU) structures in a timely manner
  • Make public, through the APR Secretariat, country review reports and press releases pertaining thereto
  • Establish and approve the rules of procedure for the APR Forum and approve those of the APR Panel
  • Approve a Code of Conduct for all components of the APRM organisation
  • Ensure that the APR process is fully funded by the participating countries (including non-governmental partners).
President Abdelmadjid Tebboune

H.E President Abdelmadjid Tebboune

Chairperson of the APR Forum