Republic of Kenya Hosts The Inaugural National Summit of the County Peer Review Mechanism (CPRM)


Nairobi 07 August 2024 - The Republic of Kenya hosted its inaugural Summit of the County Peer Review Mechanism (CPRM) in Nairobi on the 7th of August 2024 in the presence of 21 Governors.

The CPRM is a voluntary, sub-national assessment tool that mirrors the continental African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). This innovative approach followed by the Republic of Kenya is based on a bottom-up and participatory method of accountability, allowing both state and non-state actors, to engage in self-assessment, peer learning, and the sharing of best practices with a view to enhancing democracy and good governance.

The CPRM offers Kenyans a platform for dialogue and accountability where governance issues are addressed, and counties’ strengths and challenges identified.

At the inaugural Summit, 36 out of 47 counties, or 76% of the total, were represented. The APRM’s role in enabling the expansion of good governance across the country was underscored. Also, the Summit recalled the impact of legal reforms, emanating from peer review, on the adoption of the 2010 constitution. 

During the County Peer Review exercise, peer-reviewed Governors made a number of observations: 

  1. Chapter 15 governance institutions (constitutional commissions and independent offices) faced limitations in discharging their respective mandates to protect and deepen Kenya’s democracy and enhance service delivery to the citizens.
  2. The absence of representatives from the Presidency from the Summit, prevents swift consideration of grievances expressed by participants. Organizers were urged to ensure the Presidency’s participation in future summits of the CPRM. 
  3. The uneven and delayed disbursement of resources is a cross-cutting challenge that requires urgent action by the National Treasury.
  4. The need for the National government to effect the immediate transfer of outstanding devolved functions as required under the 4th schedule of the Kenyan constitution.

By regularly evaluating policies, processes, and outcomes, Governors will be able to identify areas for improvement and take corrective action. And through the exchange of ideas and experiences, the participating Governors will foster innovation and excellence in service delivery. 

Ambassador Marie- Antoinette Rose Quatre, CEO of the APRM Continental Secretariat, in her congratulatory message to the Republic of Kenya, expressed hope that the innovative approach in domesticating the APRM process will translate into an action plan with a real and positive impact on the lives of Kenyan citizens and the strengthening of good governance indicators in the country.

Kenya hosts Summit of County Review Mechanism