South Africa Second-Generation Country Review Report

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The APR Panel of Eminent Persons welcomes readers to the APRM Second- Generation Country Review Report of South Africa. The Panel expresses its gratitude to the President of the Republic of South Africa and the Chairperson of the APR Forum of Heads of State and Government, H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, for his leadership of the Mechanism and for his support of the second peer review of South Africa.

The Panel congratulates the South African APRM national structures including the APRM Focal Point and the Minister of Public Service and Administration, Hon. Ayanda Dlodlo as well as Deputy Minister for Public Service and Administration, Hon. Dr. Chana Pilane-Majake and South Africa’s APRM National Governing Council (NGC) under the leadership of Chairperson Thulani Tshefuta and Deputy Chairperson Magdalene Moonsamy, as well as the APRM National Secretariat led by Dr. Patrick Sokhela for producing a Country Self-Assessment Report (CSAR) of excellent quality, which provided a balanced view of governance in South Africa. The CSAR formed a solid foundation for this second-generation country review report.

The Panel and its Country Review Mission are grateful to the Government and People of the Republic of South Africa for their warm welcome and hospitality, and for the facilities and resources put at the disposal of the review mission. The Panel congratulates the Government and People of South Africa for sharing the information used in this report and for the excellent spirit of professionalism and cooperation during the review process.



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Working Document
South Africa Second-Generation Country Review Report - Key Highlights
May 15, 2016
  • [EN ,PDF 3.30 MB]