APRM engagement in the HLPF 2024 v2_0.png

APRM Engagement in the High-Level Political Forum 2024


United Nations - HQs


15-18 July 2024


10.00 am- 4.00 pm

Agenda Details


I. Introductions

The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) serves as the global institutional mechanism for tracking progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sharing best practices through the Voluntary National Reporting (VNR). African countries have actively engaged in the VNR process since 2017 AS 53 African countries submitted at least once a voluntary national report on SDGs during the past five years.

 The APRM, with its expanded mandate to support countries in tracking and monitoring Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063, established the APRM Continental Platform on VNRs and Domestication of Agenda 2063 in 2019 to assist African countries in preparing for VNRs and enhancing progress toward Agenda 2063, particularly Aspiration Three - "Africa with good governance, democracy, and the rule of law." Up until 2023, the APRM organized five continental workshops to empower national civil servants and those involved in SDGs/Agenda 2063 implementation.

Throughout these workshops, 300 civil servants and focal points of SDGs/Agenda 2063 were capacitated on means of implementation, domestication practices, monitoring and evaluation tools, and institutional mechanisms for implementing both agendas. In 2024, the APRM supported the UNECA-AU Regional VNR Preparations for the HLPF 2024. It’s worth mentioning that 14 African countries are anticipated to present VNR (Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, Chad, Congo, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Namibia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Mauritius, Zimbabwe)


II. Expected engagements of the APRM Continental secretariat at the HLPF 2024

  1. APRM- FAO/UNECA VNR Lab on Poverty-Governance and Partnerships, 15 July, time 9-10 am (EDT) (Uganda, Zimbabwe, Chad +FAO/WFP/OSAA)
  2. APRM- Republic of Sierra Leone joint high-level side event on Promoting good governance and peaceful Africa to accelerate the implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2063 - Tuesday 16 July 2024 | TIME: 1.45 - 3.00 pm NY time
  3. OECD high-level side event on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development, 17 July, 1.15-2.30 pm (guinea Bissau and SL)
  4. APRM-UN DESA VNR Lab: Strengthening digital government and data governance for a more agile and effective public sector in Africa, 17 July 2023, 1:15-2:45 p. (Kenya, Mauritius, Sierra Leone)


Download PDF: APRM Engagement with AU Member States in the HLPF 2024

Document APRM Engagement with AU member states in the HLPF.pdf